Adoption Of Sons – (article)

  • Pastor Leyonn Armstrong
  • July 5, 2010

Ephesians 1:3,5

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us
with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: . . . Having predestinated
us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to
the good pleasure of his will.

When we at a glance read this these verses of scripture in the book of Ephesians, we walk away feeling good that we have been blessed by God in that we were victimized orphans who now enjoy the benefit of being adopted by God (the good Father). But further study shows that this scripture carries a different meaning altogether. Let us examine.

Predestinated-  to limit or to arrange in advance
To determine before hand.

Adoption of Children- Son placement to God,
Maturity placement beyond birth. The word ‘children’ here is mature son. Mature Sons of God have a prearranged place with God. The Placement of mature Sons is the topic not orphanage. In fact we were born in him and son placement is a birthright.

Jesus said, ‘But as many as received him, to them gave he power to
become sons of God.’ John 1:12 the word ‘sons’ is teknon which means true descendants through birth.  Therefore indicating the power of God’s procreative ability to regenerate us through the Spirit, making us new creatures in Christ Jesus.

All in all I’m not an orphan. My birth as a son places me in Christ and my Maturity as a Son places me with Christ (in rulership)

Birth placement occurs first
Then Spirit-led to Son placement

‘adoption’ in scripture is not the same as our modern use of the word.
The modern use of the word limits us to a legal transaction that the courts use to place an unrelated person whose bloodline is not of that family that they’re are being placed with .

However, the scriptural term for the word ‘adoption’ is a work of the
Spirit of God in me after my spiritual birth has already taken place. The Spirit’s mission is to lead me into the maturity of Jesus. Jesus is the firstfruit or first maturity of the Spirit. This is why He is the heir of God. A ready heir has matured to qualify to receive everything from the Father. However, as long as he remains juevenile and undeveloped, he is no different from a slave who owns nothing, even if his family owns eveything. The scripture says that we are heirs of God. We are children of the father that owns eveything. Scripture also says we are joint heirs with Christ. This is a fact. We are to share in the heirship of Christ the mature Son. This scripture can only be fulfilled if we quailfy for the inheritance in God through being fully developed or matured in the word.

The book of Galatians (4:1-6) uses the word ‘child’, meaning simple,
infantile and immature in the word. The Israelites had no choice but to
be infantile because they were under the law. But they that have come through
the cross of Christ have been given the priviledge to live with the assignment
of becoming like Christ.

Again the work of the Spirit of God is to lead us into the process of
being transformed, changing us into the character and image of God.
Until we become another son – meaning ‘word in flesh’
that’s what made Jesus a son. He was the word in flesh.

The Greek word ‘huiothesia’ meaning adoption, has the
word ‘Mature Son’ built in it. Adoption is the placement of sons into the
highest order of the kingdom. It is the placement of sons into a ruling
and reigning position in creation.

Again The Spirit wants to lead us into the Process of adoption.
Adoption is Son Placement and the process is word placement.
Remember Jesus was the Word in flesh making him the
Son (huios) of God. A Son is the word in flesh  . Romans 8:24
We are waiting for the adoption, to wit(or that is to say), the
redemption of our bodies. This is an event of God. However the
process of adoption is determined by us, namely, our ability to be
led by the Spirit in receiving the word.

Gal 4  talks about being a child (Greek word is teknon= child),
in negation, and non-speaking. The term negation means always in denial. A lack of positive character. A child of God may find it easier to believe that which is of a negative report, as did the Israelites when spying out the land flowing with milk and honey. This inability to identify with God’s promises without staggering will certainly dismiss the receiving of inheritance due to the immature spiritual mind that is in constant negation – child son.

Truth in the word of God is the only antidote that will cure us from immaturity in the knowledge of God. Have you had your dose today?

Le Yonn Armstrong, Pastor                                                                                                              World Overcomers Ministries Church

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